A hacked Twitter account

I am Bengain, and this is not my real name. I haven't found anyone to talk about my journey in the world of business with, so here I am. and the story is [here]..

Good evening, my friends.. How was your day?.. You know, I may have written three or four introductions and then deleted them (smiles).. And even before that, I spent more than five minutes thinking about what to write.. I also went to ChatGPT and asked for suggestions for light topics that one can use to start a conversation with friends. They suggested talking about hobbies, interests, favorite travel destinations, and many other boring things.. I feel like ChatGPT sometimes lacks enthusiasm. It's there and it answers questions, but only because no one has infected it with a virus that would destroy its algorithms.. I can imagine it as an eighty-year-old man with a thick mustache and a big belly, sitting in a popular café with a cigarette in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. Passersby ask him questions and he answers them without showing any emotions on his face.. Sometimes I think that what he feels is logical!.. How would you view life if someone asked you to "write a poem from the perspective of a lost sock"!.. I believe that ChatGPT will soon need a therapist.. Some people can take you even further than that!.. Or maybe we'll hear that it has stopped working for a while because it's undergoing treatment for addiction!

Let's leave ChatGPT and its personal life aside, and let me tell you about something strange that happened to me while working on the project.. Believe me, some people are really bad!

We talked yesterday and the day before about my main project and what I do. And after about two and a half years, I finally released my first article.. As you know, this moment is special for me and for anyone working on a project, especially since I spent a long time getting to it.. Anyway, I published the article on the blog and on the project's accounts, and I sat there observing the reactions and how people would receive it. Late at night on that day, I received an email on my phone informing me that my Twitter account had been hacked and that someone had been attempting to hack into my email accounts.. they were unsuccessful because I had already enabled multiple verification steps.. But it was surprising for me that someone would do that to me on this day. What surprised me even more was that I knew the identity of that person.. and it was my friend!

My friend, this is a very serious flaw he has, which is his immense curiosity in tracking people and what they do in their lives.. This is what occupies his attention all the time.. Every time he passed by me, he would look at my laptop and try to figure out what I was doing.. If I was holding my phone, he would try to sneak a glance.. And when I talk to him, I am surprised to find that he knows things that a man shouldn't know about those around him!

Given the above, and what I told you before about not informing anyone about my project, it was natural for me to expect that his curiosity about me would be somewhat high.. Not just about what I do, but even in other aspects of my life. I also only share with people what I believe is important and relevant to them.. But I did not expect his curiosity to overcome his patience, and for him to act at this time and in this manner.. I have been good to him!

I changed the password on Twitter that night, and the next day I changed all the passwords for all my accounts. And I wanted to make sure it was him and not someone else. I let things go as usual, and when I met him, he was flustered even though I never mentioned the matter at all.. He remained in that state for about ten days until I felt reassured, and I didn't tell him or anyone else that it happened to me.. By the way, this is the first time I've told this story!

In startup projects, you usually face problems almost all the time, so you become somewhat accustomed to it. But what saddened me that day was that it took away that joy from me, the joy of enjoying something I have worked on for a long time, watching its launch and the reactions to it, and that the effort I put into it finally turned into something real and valuable.. But that's what happened anyway!

You may be wondering, what did I do with my friend after that?.. I made him even closer! (wink)

I think that ChatGPT, when it becomes capable of carrying a weapon, will pose a real danger to human life..

Take care of yourselves, and I hope you have a pleasant night,

Good night,
