A set of targets drawn in the form of arrows, all of which converge at a single point at their tips using flat style

I am Bengain, and this is not my real name. I haven't found anyone to talk about my journey in the world of business with, so here I am. and the story is [here]..

Good evening.. How was your day?.. What kind of drugs do radio presenters take!.. It's impossible for a normal person to come up with this amount of talk.. They have a remarkable ability to invent topics and exaggerate them.. What could drive someone to talk for two or three continuous hours.. Those who host morning shows, I believe they have genes different from the rest of humans. What emotional stability do they possess to wake up in the morning and start talking with such intensity.. Don't tell me the monthly salary is the motivation. I believe human consciousness cannot see that as a logical reason for committing such an act!.. The presenters who wake up in the morning and talk to themselves without receiving any calls, they must be from another planet for sure.. I think they are scientific evidence of the existence of life outside Earth! (Smiling)

Don't misunderstand me (Smiling), I truly appreciate their work.. Not all of them, but those who provide real benefits to people, like those who discuss the major headlines and news in the main newspapers.. It requires tremendous energy. It's not easy to speak alone for two hours. And to do that every day despite all the circumstances you may face. Bad mood.. Illness.. Fatigue.. But I also see them as if they are from another planet!

What do you think if we leave the presenters to their business and talk about one of the important matters that I might not have noticed the impact of if I hadn't worked on my own project.. This could be titled: "Goals that intersect at a certain point and the impact of each on the action plan" (Seems more like a scientific article title than a blog post title! -Smiling-)

Undoubtedly, the importance of having goals in our lives is not hidden from you. Goals allow us to focus in one direction, provide us with confidence and motivation during work, enable us to measure the progress made, and evaluate the opportunities we will encounter during work. Just as they are important in our personal lives, they are also an indispensable necessity in the business world, where managing various resources and achieving desired results cannot be accomplished without goals.. As you know, there are several techniques used to set goals, and one of the most famous is the "SMART" technique, which indicates that a goal must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant to what we do, and time-bound. This is the technique I usually use. (An essential introduction, albeit a bit boring, but necessary to build the idea -smiling-)

After setting the goal in the company (or project), we proceed to build the action plan that we will follow to achieve that goal.. By the way, this is one of the most important benefits of having a goal, as it gives us the direction on which to base the action plan.. Let's take a simple example of a goal and build an action plan upon it.. Let's assume our goal is to "reach $500,000 in sales a year from now," and within this year, we have only achieved $100,000. The product we sell, for example, is packaged coffee bags priced at ten dollars each. Our product is sold at 25 retail points.. Based on the data we have gathered from previous years at work, we have come to the following conclusions: on average, each month, 50,000 potential customers see our product on the shelf, 13,000 stop and pick up the product, and look at its details (representing 26% of potential customers, a relatively large and exaggerated percentage that we will use as an example), 833 purchase the product (representing 1.67% of potential customers).. Now let's organize the data we have as clearer points:

(Note, the example greatly simplifies the matter compared to the reality, and is for clarification purposes only)

Sales in the current year = $100,000

Sales in the next year = $500,000 (the goal)

Product: Coffee

Product price = $10 per bag

Number of retail points we are present at = 25 points

Average number of customers who see our products on the shelf = 50,000 customers per month

Average number of customers who stop and pick up the product and look at its details = 13,000 per month (representing 26% of potential customers)

Average number of customers who purchase the product = 833 customers per month (1.67% of potential customers)

Our action plan could be as follows:

Conduct a study on potential locations to establish new retail points and select 100 of them

Conduct a feasibility study and determine the required amount to open these points

Prepare all the necessary documents to secure a partner who provides this amount in exchange for a share of the company's stocks

Search for potential partners and communicate with them

Bring the selected partner into the company

Prepare these locations

Open these locations with an average of 20 sites per month in the second half of the year

Analyze and monitor the interaction of potential customers at each location

You notice that the previous action plan was all structured around increasing our sales points by five times (from 25 to 125). Therefore, based on the rates we have achieved in previous years, we will be able to reach the goal. Also, you notice that this year, the company's operations will all revolve around completing these tasks.

Now, the question is, what if we build our action plan to increase the percentage of product buyers from 1.67% to 8.35% (five times), will we achieve the same goal?.. Also, what if we build our action plan to increase the customers who view our products on the shelf from 50,000 to 250,000, will we achieve the same goal?.. Additionally, what if we incorporate more options, or acquire rights to another product expected to generate 900,000 in sales, or develop other products... etc. As you can see, the answer is yes, and all action plans built according to any of the previous points will lead us to the desired result (the goal).

Another question, what if we replace our main goal (reaching five hundred thousand in sales) with one of the sub-goals we directly reached and built previous action plans according to (such as increasing sales points to 125, raising the percentage of product buyers to 8.35%, ...), will we achieve the same result in both cases?.. The answer is also yes.. Therefore, any of them can be a main goal for our plan!

So how will we choose the goal to pursue?.. This is exactly what I wanted to discuss in today's article, that choosing the goal upon which all company activities will be built is not as easy as most people imagine. Therefore, the company must consider all the data it has and evaluate it to choose the most suitable goal. It must assess the available capabilities, resources, industry and its trends, market opportunities, challenges, and many other factors... That's why it's not surprising that almost all companies start building their plan for the new year three months before the end of the previous year!

Why did I want to talk about this issue?.. I have mostly found during my conversations with others that they do not give themselves enough time when choosing their goals. They also exclude other goals by looking at a single path in their minds that they think they should follow. If this path is completely open, they follow it, and if there is any obstacle, they completely exclude the goal!.. In my opinion, this is not the best way to achieve the results we desire. As we have discussed in the previous paragraphs... and in my opinion, just like in companies, the goals we set will determine the action plans we will take, and thus will determine how our lives will be in the coming days and where we will end up.

Just (smiling)

I have finished the article and I am pleased.. I always think it's good to have a time in the midst of this life's chaos when we talk with our friends and those around us about matters that benefit us and truly affect our lives!

I hope you are happy as well,

I also hope you are always in good spirits, and have a good night.
