preparation for comprehensive review

I am Bengain, and this is not my real name. I haven't found anyone to talk about my journey in the world of business with, so here I am. and the story is [here]

Good evening. How was your day? I've come to enjoy this part of the day when I write to you. I believe we all enjoy talking sometimes! (smiles)

Speaking of talking, one time I was watching Oprah Winfrey (you know her, right?) and she was the one being interviewed, not the host. The interviewer asked her what guests are most concerned about after appearing on her show. For those who don't know, Oprah hosts one of the most famous talk shows in the world and has interviewed top personalities like Obama and Queen Rania, among others. Her answer was that they all ask her whether they presented themselves well or not. Initially, when we hear this answer, it seems obvious and known to everyone, and there's nothing to dwell on. But if we pause and reflect for a moment, we'll find that almost everything we do in life is to achieve this goal. We learn and acquire qualifications to present ourselves well to people, we work hard in our jobs to present ourselves well to people, we dress and speak and... etc., all to present ourselves well to people. Even if we observe people's reactions when they feel they have done that in front of us, we will find them genuinely happy. One time, I was watching a podcast produced by one of the most famous companies in our region. It's almost number one. The most famous podcast hosts in that company gathered in it. One of them asked the other, "What is the thing you care about most when shooting an episode?" His answer was, "That the guest appears in the best possible image." He didn't mind if the guest wanted to remove something from the episode, and during the discussion, he also didn't attempt to ask the guest embarrassing questions or search for a weakness. This was one of the reasons why it was one of the most successful shows, and why people wanted to appear on it. By the way, the podcast specializes in business, and I heard that guests' companies grew faster after appearing on it. In fact, one guest, due to the impact of the episode on the company's growth, gave the host and the CEO of the company free shares in his company!

I also had a similar experience at one point, where I built my relationships with others based on their strengths and the qualities they liked about themselves, while ignoring what they didn't like, whether in myself or with them. The results were astonishing! But later on, it had a significant impact on the course of my life (we will talk about that later if the opportunity arises).

Regarding work, tomorrow evening or the day after tomorrow, I am expected to begin a comprehensive review of my overall goals and evaluate the previous period. Based on the results, I will make some important decisions regarding both current and future projects, as some of them are dependent on this stage. There are also some updates that need to be taken into consideration. This part is very important at this time!

But before that, I need to rely on the plan to reactivate my activity on Facebook that I mentioned to you on DAY3. I had prepared the plan, but I still have some minor details to finalize and a start date to determine. I believe this will be beneficial and will help me re-engage with my relationships. Let's see what will happen and how things will unfold. How will the return and interaction after the absence be? I would love to give it a try!

I believe I have reached the maximum level of resistance to sleep right now. Take good care of yourselves.

I hope to see you well.
